第四单元 分裂、和解与扩张(续)
Life on Mississippi
第四课 密西西比河上的生活
To Build a Fire
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第五课 生火
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The Story of an Hour
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第六课 一小时的故事
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A Wagner Matinee
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第七课 一场瓦格纳音乐会
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第五单元 不满、觉醒与反抗
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The Story of the Times
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The Turtle
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第一课 龟
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In Another Country
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第二课 在异乡
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April Showers
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第三课 四月里的阵雨
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The Jilting of Granny Weatherall
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第四课 被遗弃的韦瑟罗尔奶奶
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The Night the Ghost Got In
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第五课 幽灵进来的那一晚
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第六单元 繁荣与保护
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The Story of the Times
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The First Seven Years
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第一课 前七年
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The Brown Chest
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第二课 棕色的大箱子
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The Woman Warrior
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第三课 女勇士
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The Mortgaged Heart
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第四课 抵押出去的心
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Straw Into Gold:The Metamorphosis of the Everyday
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第五课 稻草变黄金:不断变化的每一天
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The Writer in the Family
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第六课 家里的作家
更新时间:2024-12-19 17:33:43