第5章 词根篇 Root(4)

chron 时间+ cle 表名称→ chronicle 编年史

The book Zi Zhi Tong Jian belongs to the chronicle.


近义词annal [‘nl] n.记录,编年史

chronology [kr’nldi] n. 年表,年代学

chron 时间+ ology 学科→ chronology 年表

The first half of this book is an autobiograhical chronology of the author‘s life.


近义词calendar[’klind] n.日历,历书

synchronize [‘sikrnaiz] v. 同步,同时发生

syn 同时+ chron 时间+ ize 使……→ synchronize 同步

We synchronized our watches before going to school.


反义词desynchronize[di’sikrnaiz] v.同步破坏

cid, cis切开,杀

词根说明:词根cid, cis的意思类同cut, kill,有“切开,杀”的意思,所构成的单词意思也就围绕这些意思延展。

decide [di‘said] v. 决定,选定

de 加强+ cid 切开→ decide 决定

They decided on a name for the infant.


近义词determine[di’t:min] v.决定,确定

习惯用语decide to do: 决定做某事

pesticide [‘pestisaid] n. 杀虫剂

pest 昆虫+ cid 杀→ pesticide 杀虫剂

Masks should be worn when using the pesticide.


近义词insecticide [in’sektisaid] n.杀虫剂

suicide [‘su:i,said] n. 自杀,自杀者

sui 自己+ cid 杀→ suicide 自杀

With the increase of living pressure,more and more people commit suicide.


近义词commit suicide: 自杀

concise [kn’sais] adj. 简明的,简洁的

con 共同+ cis 切开→ concise 简明

His statement was concise and powerful.


近义词succinct [sk‘sikt] adj.简明的,简洁的

compact [km’pkt] adj.简洁的,紧凑的

excise [ek‘saiz] v. 切除,删除,收税

ex 出+ cis 切开→ excise 切除

Doctors excised his left arm because it was already infected.


近义词remove [ri’mu:v] v. 移动,迁移

precise [pri‘sais] adj. 精确的,明确的;严谨的

pre 先+ cis 切开→ precise 精确

He is a precise and sensible man.


习惯用语to be precise: 确切地说

反义词imprecise [,impri’sais] adj.不精确的

circ, cycl圆,环

词根说明:词根ciec, cycl的意思类同round, ring,有“圆,环”的意思,所构成的单词意思也就围绕这些意思延展。

circle [‘s:kl] n. 圆,圆形,圆圈

circ 圆+ le 东西→ circle 圆

Rules of the fashion circle are complicated.


近义词ring [ri] n.圆环,戒指

circlet [’s:klit] n. 小圈,戒指,指环

circ (l) 圆+ et 小东西→ circlet 小圈

The circlet is her precious treasure.


近义词ring [ri] n.戒指

circulate [‘s:kjuleit] v. 循环,流通,传播

circ 圆+ ate 动作→ circulate 循环

RMB is not allowed to circulate in foreign countries.


近义词distribute [di’stribju:t] v.散布

circus [‘s:ks] n. 马戏团,马戏

circ 圆+ us 状态→ circus 马戏团

There would be circus performances on the bazaar every year.


知识补充形容词: circusy[’s:ksi]adj.马戏团的

encircle [in‘s:kl] v. 环绕,围绕,包围

en 使+ circle 圆→ encircle 包围

Japan is an island encircled by water.


近义词surround [s’raund] v.围绕,包围

bicycle [‘baisikl] n.自行车

bi 双+ cycl 圆→ bicycle 自行车

China has the largest number of bicycles in the world.


近义词bike [baik] n.自行车,脚踏车

cycle [’saikl] n.自行车

recycle [ri:‘saikl] v. 再生,回收利用,使再循环

re 再+ cycle 圆→ recycle 再生

Rubbish are classified for recycling.


近义词reuse [,ri:’ju:z] v.再次使用,重复使用

circumstance [‘s:kmstns] n. 环境,情况

circ 圆+ ance 状况→ circumstance 情况

I can trust her in any circumstance.


近义词condition [kn’din] n.条件,情况

situation [,sitju‘ein] n.情形,情况


词根说明:词根cite的意思类同quote, arouse,有“引用,唤起”的意思,所构成的单词意思也就围绕这些意思延展。

cite [sait] v. 提出,举例,引用

We often cite ancestors’ words to verify our views.


近义词quote [kwut] n.引述,引用,举证

citation [sai‘tein] n. 引用,引证,援引,传讯,嘉奖

cit 引用+ ation 表名词→ citation 引用

Citation is the most common skill used in the paper.


近义词quotation [kwu’tein]


excite [ik‘sait] v. 使激动,使兴奋,引起,激起

ex 出+ cite 唤起→ excite 使激动

The subject excited great interest.


近义词exhilarate [ig’zilreit] v.使兴奋,使雀跃

incite [in‘sait] v. 煽动,激励

in 入+ cite 唤起→ incite 煽动

He is inciting violence against the government.


近义词provoke [pr’vuk] v. 激怒,煽动

instigate [‘instigeit] v.怂恿,煽动,唆使

recite [ri’sait] v. 朗诵,背诵,叙述,列举

re 再+ cite 引用→ recite 朗诵

Reciting is students’ main task.


近义词repeat [ri‘pi:t] v.重复,背诵

relate [ri’leit] v.叙述

clin, cliv倾斜,斜坡

词根说明:词根clin, cliv的意思类同slope,有“倾斜,斜坡”的意思,所构成的单词意思也就围绕这些意思延展。

decline [di‘klain] v. 斜坡,衰退,减弱,减小,谢绝

de 下+ clin 斜坡→ decline 倾斜

Functions of organs decline as people get older.


近义词decrease [di:’kri:s] v.减少,减小

diminish [di‘mini] v.变小,减少

incline [in’klain] v. 倾斜,倾向,易于

in 入+ clin 倾斜→ incline 倾斜

I am more inclined to the materialism.


近义词slope [slup] v.倾斜

tip [tip] v.倾斜

slant [slɑ:nt] v.倾斜,歪斜

知识补充prone to: 易于……的,有……倾向

apt to: 易于,倾向于

proclivity [pr‘kliviti] n. 倾向,癖好

pro 向前+ cliv 倾斜+ ity 性质→ proclivity 倾向

He has the proclivity of collecting different kinds of cans.


近义词tendency [’tendnsi] v.倾向,趋势,癖好

clos, clud, clus关闭

词根说明:词根clos, clud, clus的意思类同shut,有“关闭”的意思,所构成的单词意思也就围绕这些意思延展。

close [kluz] v. 关,闭,盖,结束

Shops on this street close late.


近义词shut [t] v.关闭,停止

terminate [‘t:mineit] v. 结束

知识补充turn off: 关闭

closet [’klzit] n. 壁橱,柜橱,密室,小房间

clos 关闭+ et 小东西→ closet 小房间

European-style closets look very noble.


近义词cupboard [‘kbd] n.食柜,碗柜

disclose [dis’kluz] v. 揭露,公开

dis 表否定+ close 关→ disclose 揭露

Women are not willing to disclose their true age.


近义词reveal [ri‘vi:l] v.揭露,泄露

uncover [n’kv] v.揭露,发现

expose [ik‘spuz] v.揭露,揭发

enclose [in’kluz] v. 包围,围绕

en 使+ close 关闭→ enclose 包围

Ladygaga was enclosed by fans at the airport.


近义词encircle [in‘s:kl] v.环绕,围绕

surround [s’raund] v.围绕,包围

besiege [bi‘si:d] v.包围,围困

occlude [’klu:d] v. 使闭塞,闭塞,挡住

oc 强调+ clud 关→ occlude 闭塞

This river occludes our way home.


近义词obstruct [b‘strkt] v.阻塞

exclude [iks’klu:d] v. 排除,排斥,禁闭

ex 出+ clud 关闭→ exclude 排除

Beggars are excluded from the restaurants.


反义词include [in‘klu:d] v.包括,包含

corp, corpor身体,团体

词根说明:词根corp, corpor的意思类同body, group,有“身体,团体”的意思,所构成的单词意思也就围绕这些意思延展。

corps [k:ps] n. 军团,兵队

Engineering Corps are developing fast.


知识补充press corps: 记者团

diplomatic corps: 外交使团

corpse [k:ps] n. 尸体

corp 身体+ se 表名词→ corpse 尸体

The corpse was buried without a coffin.


近义词remains [ri’meinz] n.遗体,遗骸

cadaver [k‘deiv] n.尸体,死尸