9 Leisure While You Wait 这个标题来自美国某些店铺窗口上的一种招贴性语言,表示某项吃食或服务供应迅速,顾客只需稍候即来(到、好、成、有等)。

Samuel McChord Crothers

Much has been written in praise of leisure. Leisurely writing and leisurely reading have been commended as good for the soul's health. The mind should not always be on the stretch,but there should be intervals in which we should do no manner of work;at least any that is imposed upon us. The intellect should have leisure to refresh itself at the fountain head. It should not be made a wheezy pump to lift water from a half-filled cistern. There should be a sense of effortless abundance.

To all this we agree,but there is one consideration that causes pain. The cultivation of leisure seems to take a great deal of time.

“The wisdom of the learned man,” says the son of Sirach says the son of Sirach:这里的一些引语均来自某些旧约中的一篇Ecclesiasticus (《教会书》),这篇经文在今天的新旧教会里通行的圣经中均拒加收入,而只见于早期希腊语所译的旧约文本中。至于the son of Sirach,则据称为此篇经文的作者(属古昔部族首领或先知一类人物)。,“comes by the opportunity of leisure,and he that has little business shall be wise.” He then turns to those who do not belong to the leisure class,and quenches their aspirations after wisdom. It is a luxury that is beyond their station in life.

“How can he get wisdom that holds the plough and glories in the goad,that drives oxen and is occupied in their labors,and whose talk is bullocks?So is every carpenter and work master that labors day and night. The smith also,sitting by the anvil and considering the iron work and fighting with the heat of the furnace.” In no better plight is “the potter sitting at his work,and turning the wheel with his feet,and his eyes look still upon the pattern of the thing that he makes.”

All these busy people,he says,are necessary. Without them the city cannot be inhabited. “They maintain the state of the world and their desire is in the work of their hands.” “They are very useful,very indispensable,but they have not leisure to grow wise. Their minds cannot ripen properly.” “They cannot declare justice and judgment,and they shall not be found where parables are spoken.” where parables are spoken:parable,具有道德说教性的比喻、寓言或短小故事,为东西方宗教讲道时最好采用的通俗形式,比如耶稣的许多讲道即往往是以这种parable的形式进行的,所以这里的where parables are spoken即等于说where sermons are read,spoken or given。

This is so, This is so:从这里起,引文暂时停止,而主要为本文作者自己的议论。 but it is not the whole story. Skilled artisans are not the only persons who suffer from the lack of the opportunities of leisure. The intellectual classes,as their interests become highly specialized,find it difficult to give their minds free play. One who aims at what is called “productive scholarship” has not the time to sit at ease “where parables are spoken.” The parable must be cut short. If only he who has little business shall be wise,then there is small hope for the University Professor. Wherein does the potter,turning the wheel with his foot while his eyes look still upon the pattern of the thing that he makes,differ from the harassed candidate for a Ph.D. degree,as he looks at the pattern of the thesis that he makes?Wherein does a society of scholars whose tasks are set by an efficiency expert differ from any other well-organized body of industrialists?It is hard to evade the consequences of all work and no play.

It is our habit to think of everything in terms of big business,and yet there are times when we rebel against the creed that the whole duty of man is to keep busy. Surely we were not born to spend our lives in involuntary servitude. It must be right now and then to do as we please. But how can we find time for such laudable truancies?That is what causes anxious thought.

There is a letter of Cornelius Fronto to his pupil,Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Marcus Aurelius Antoninus:通常作Marcus Aurelius,Aurelius为姓氏名,Antonius乃其父的名字(在位期间161—180 A.D.),公元2世纪罗马皇帝,勤政好学,御下宽仁,宗斯多葛派(Stoic)哲学,所著《沉思录》(Meditations )流传至今,极有名。,which takes up this matter from the standpoint of health. The young Emperor's conscience was a taskmaster demanding continual toil. Fronto reminds him that it is possible for one with the best intentions to destroy his own powers for usefulness by overstrain.

“What do circumstances demand of you?Not study,not toil,not duties. What bow is forever strung?”

He suggests to him that the very best service he could render to the Roman Empire would be that he should get into such a state of mind that after each day's work he would be sure of a good night's sleep. He urges him not to look upon his duties with a prolonged stare. “Learn to wink.” It was good advice for the serious Stoic the serious Stoic:公元前4世纪创立于雅典的一个哲学学派(Stoics),其说重实行,克己禁欲,不讲苦乐,后传至罗马,影响极大。. “Remember your father,that god-like man who excelled others in continence and righteousness,yet he knew how to relax. He baited a hook and laughed at buffoons.”

Then Fronto put his good advice in the form of an apologue apologue:moral fable or parable。. In the beginning,Father Jove Father Jove:罗马诸神之主,另称Jupiter,在希腊语中则作Zeus。 divided man's life into two parts and gave equal value to both. The day he assigned to work,the night to rest. But he did not think of creating sleep,for he took it for granted that every one would be wise enough to rest while awake.

But little by little business began to encroach on the time allotted to rest,and both gods and men fell into the bad habit of turning night into day. First Neptune Neptune:海神。 complained of fatigue. The waves,he said,were so restless that he was kept busy all the time in the attempt to control them and to keep them from encroaching on the shore.

Pluto Pluto:冥王,司阴间之神。 reported that Hades Hades:即冥王Pluto所管辖之下界(lower world),为已逝者魂灵之所居地。 was so crowded and disturbed that he had no leisure for his own meditations. “He had a watchdog to terrify any shades that tried to escape. It had three throats for barking,three gaping jaws,and three sets of terrible teeth;still he was so anxious over what might happen that he could get no rest.”

“Then Jupiter questioned the other gods and found that they were turning night into day. So Jupiter created Sleep,and set him in charge of the night.” There must be a time when men might “forget the whirling of chariots and the thunder of steeds.” There must be a time when ...:意即人们总不能昼夜受扰不休。至于chariots与steeds乃是同一回事,均指太阳神赫里俄斯的儿子Phaёthon(法厄同)驾驶灵车神骏周行太空的事。 Fronto advises Marcus to learn to sleep till such time as he can learn to rest during his waking hours.

The reply of Marcus Aurelius to this advice is written in the tone of the tired business man:

To my master Fronto,greeting .

“I have just received your letter,which I will enjoy presently. But for the moment I have duties hanging over me that cannot be begged off. Meanwhile,I am very busy.”

Then by way of postscript he adds:“After dictating the above,I read the letter while the others were dining. I shall read it often,that I may know how to rest. But you know how exacting duty is.”

That notion that leisure is a luxury forbidden to people who work with their hands or brains,is denied by those who hold that it is a state of mind,not dependent on particular circumstances. It is possible to cultivate this state of mind,and it doesn't take so much time as some people suppose. Saint Paul Saint Paul:圣保罗(?—67?A.D.),犹太出生之罗马人,耶稣弟子,公认为基督教之真正建立者。圣保罗原名Saul(扫罗),初不信耶稣,任罗马税吏时颇曾虐杀其信徒,后受感动,改奉耶教,全身心致力于其宣传,并为此而遍走地中海各地布道,直至殉教为止。,writing to the Thessalonians the Thessalonians:即Thessaloniki地区之居民。公元初期希腊北部马其顿一海港Salonika的旧名曾为Thessaloniki,其词尾iki成为ian,则成为其居民。经圣保罗的传道,其地有一部分居民曾皈依为耶稣信徒。今《新约》中有两封书翰即为圣保罗致此地居民的信。这里引语出自此第一封信的4章11节。,says,“Study to be quiet.” This is a mental exercise much to be commended to Americans. But Paul looked upon it as quite compatible with one's ordinary activities. His exhortation to restfulness is followed by a commendation of the industrial virtues. “Study to be quiet,and to do your own business,and to work with your own hands.”

People who complain of the high cost of leisure at the present time are apt to look back with futile regret to some golden age which has forever passed. How restful to have lived in the days of Charles Lamb Lamb与Wordsworth:对学英语的人,这两个名字当然完全不需要注。但对其他专业的人仍不妨稍提示一句:Lamb,19世纪初期著名散文作者;Wordsworth为这时期的英国著名诗人。,when one could browse among old books and enjoy his own thoughts without looking at the clock!

But one has doubts as he reads a letter of Lamb to his friend Wordsworth Lamb与Wordsworth:对学英语的人,这两个名字当然完全不需要注。但对其他专业的人仍不妨稍提示一句:Lamb,19世纪初期著名散文作者;Wordsworth为这时期的英国著名诗人。. It would indicate that leisure was not always had for the asking,even by one so capable of appreciating it:

My dear W . My dear W.:W是Wordsworth的缩写。:I have scarce time or quiet to explain my present situation,how unquiet and distracted it is,owing to the absence of some of my compeers,and to the deficient state of payments in the E.I.H. E.I.H.:即East India House(东印度公司),总部在伦敦,为英人未灭亡印度之前的侵略机构,始建于16世纪,1858年印度亡于英后撤销。Lamb自年轻起曾在此做财务近20年。 owing to bad piece speculations piece speculations:每匹纺织品在市场的实际销售价格。 in the calico market!”

He is compelled to work nights in order to catch up with the accumulation of business. “The nature of my work,too,puzzling and hurrying,has so shaken my spirits that my sleep is nothing but a succession of dreams of business I cannot do,of assistants that give me no assistance,of terrible responsibilities. ... I see no prospect of a quiet day,or hour even,till this week and the next are past.”

That sounds very familiar That sounds very familiar:familiar在这里的确切意思是,某一题材、内容、事项等,对某些人或方面,是熟悉的,正常的或不陌生的。. But in parentheses Lamb lets us into a secret that relieves the situation. He says,“(I write this “(I write this ...)”:这即是上面提到的那圆括号里的话。 to W.W. Esq. W.W. Esq.,Collector ...:W.W. 即William Wordsworth,上面提到的Wordsworth的全名;Esq.,Esquire(先生的敬称、尊称)一词的缩写;Collector of Stamp Duties为(收)税官;for the conjoint Northern Counties,北方诸郡之收税官,或北方联郡之……,所谓北方联(诸)郡,指英格兰西北部的湖区Cumberland,Westmorland与Lancashire等三郡。Lamb致Wordsworth信时,Wordsworth正在Cumberland任收税官。,Collector of Stamp Duties for the conjoint Northern Counties,not W.W. Poet W.W. Poet:即诗人之W.W.而非税官之W.W.。这当然是Lamb的玩笑,因这个税官与诗人实系一人。.)” While the clerk at India House and the collector of stamps for the “conjoint Northern Counties” were complaining of being overworked,the author of the Excursion and the author of the Essays of Elia the author of the Excursion and the author of the Essays of Elia:Excursion (《漫游》)为Wordsworth之长篇诗作;Essays of Elia (《伊利亚随笔》)为Lamb的散文作品。 were not greatly affected. They were prepared to enjoy bits of time which were not devoted to business purposes. Wordsworth,indeed,succeeded in getting a good deal of time for his own uses,but Lamb had to do his meditating on London streets. So one may see a beauty-loving railway section hand cultivating his little flower garden on “the right of way.” “the right of way”:亦作a right of way,right-of-way,在意思上也有多种解释——1. (穿过他人土地的)通行权;2. (私人土地上的)公用道路;3. (道路、铁路的)用地权、筑路权;4. (公路上的)优先行驶权,等等。这里显系泛用其第3种意义——筑路权。 The company doesn't mind,and it gives him a real pleasure.

Speaking of the right of way reminds me that the word “leisure” is derived from the Latin,licere ,to be permitted,and is connected with our word “license.” It implies that we are permitted to do something for our own pleasure in time not needed for strictly utilitarian uses. We are allowed to cultivate the right of way,so long as these adornments do not interfere with the passage of the trains. So Sir Thomas Browne Sir Thomas Browne:见The Art of the Essayist篇中注。 found time in hours not taken up by his medical practice to jot down some thoughts that had pleased him. He says of his book that it was something that “I had at leisurable hours composed.” These leisurable hours do not always come in large pieces. Leisure is often more highly valued when it must be taken in installments.

The number of these leisurable hours that any one has at his disposal is limited,and their distribution throughout a lifetime is often beyond the control of the individual. William Penn's William Penn:(1644—1718)英国教友会(Quaker)领袖,当日美洲宾夕法尼亚地区的开发者。 Fruits of Solitude was the result of a season of forced retirement. But Penn was a very wealthy man,and,besides,was a Quaker Quaker:教友会,基督教之一派,为英国宗教界领袖George Fox于1650年前后所创建,正式名称为Society of Friends,但日后更流行的叫法则是the Quaker (Quaker的来源据说系因为Fox曾饬令其教徒于听到经文上“The Lord”一词时需quake一下),此派的特点为无固定经文,不设僧侣,另外废除一切繁琐之教义礼节等,再有反对一切形式之暴力(包括战争)与崇尚恬静和平。. He may be looked upon as a plutocrat in the way of leisure. Most of us must get our solitude in broken lots.

Yet it is remarkable how many opportunities for leisure one can find if he is on the lookout for them. We are told that even an atom is more roomy than one would imagine. An electron moves about in its vast spaces like a lonely planet. And one can get a good deal of aloneness in a minute. Our thoughts need not be hurried or crowded if each is allowed to take its moment when it comes. There are fragments of time that come from broken engagements. There are periods of salutary waiting;waiting for street cars,and dentists,and committees whose chairmen have been delayed by other committees. There are moments in the busiest day when through no fault of our own we are left accidentally alone. There may not be time in these chance intervals for the choicer fruits of solitude to ripen,but there is at least time for some mushroom growths. The punctual man has many such moments for solitary musing while he is waiting for the unpunctual man.

The mind in its own place and in itself can create a driven feeling driven feeling:hurried feeling。 in the Vale of Arcady the Vale of Arcady:Vale为Valley一词的诗语(poet. for valley);Arcady为Arcadia一词的诗语。Arcadia为古希腊一林木蓊郁的幽美地区,在西方人心中常有人间仙境、世外桃源甚至神仙世界等的美妙联想。. And where is there more calm repose than in the mind of the officer at Fifth Avenue and Forty-Second Street Fifth Avenue and Forty-Second Street:美国纽约市最繁华热闹的两条街道。,as he deliberately moves his hands,like Moses at the Red Sea Moses at the Red Sea:摩西,希伯来人民族领袖,为公元前14世纪前半期人。初希伯来人以大饥徙埃及,备受虐待,后由摩西率之返回巴勒斯坦,路经红海时,无法渡越。摩西伸出巨手,将海水分开,人众遂成功过海返乡。事见《圣经·出埃及记》14章21—25节。,dividing the waves of traffic that the hurried people may pass in safety?

To take advantage of these fleeting opportunities,one must have a quick control over his own mind. He must not only be able to start his mental machinery,but he must be able to stop it when it is moving to no purpose. This is the more difficult matter. Many persons keep their minds revolving ceaselessly on one subject for the same reason that the driver of a temperamental automobile lets his engine run while the car stops. He is afraid that if it gets cool he can't crank it again. A reliable self-starter would save a great deal of wear and tear.

I cannot include under the pleasant name of “leisure” those activities that are carried on systematically after business hours. Very soon they become things that must be done. There are misers of time who clutch at each spare moment and put it to usury. They expect some definite return from their investment. All mental activities which are closely articulated and planned in advance should be classed under the head of “overtime work.” In our moments of true leisure the unexpected happens,or,if nothing happens,we do not care. We do that which is unprofitable because it pleases us. We read a book because it happens to be near us and it looks inviting. It is a case where propinquity is everything. The latchstring of the mind is out The latchstring of the mind is out:一种旧日洋锁,闩住之后,需将其上一插官向门内扳下,这时从门外便打不开,但如不这样做而听任此插官留在上面,门外人便能一扳就开。这里比喻,心灵之锁也是这样,它是可以在内部不加防备的情况下由外部打开的。latchstring ... is out即是指人进门后没把那插官扳下而留给了以后进入者自由去开启。. We entertain random thoughts and are occasionally surprised to find that we have entertained wisdom unawares entertained wisdom unawares:这里系对《圣经》上一处用语的仿制——entertain angels unawares。“不可忘记用心接待客旅;因为也有接待客旅的,不知不觉就接待了天使。”见通行本华文圣经新约中的《希伯来书》13章2—3节。. Our attitude is like that of Elizabeth's great minister,Lord Burleigh Lord Burleigh:(1520—1598)全名William Cecil Burleigh,子爵,曾任伊丽莎白女王(一世)政务咨询官与财务大臣等职。,who at the end of a day's work would fling his robe of office on the floor and say,“Lie there,my Lord Treasurer,till I call for you in the morning.” In a healthy mind there is an interim between one duty and another. This prevents them from wearing each other out. These intervals of soothing carelessness,if not unduly prolonged,are very restorative. Lord Burleigh in the morning resumed his robe of office with zest,because he had been able to throw it off so lightly.

That leisure is compatible with a good deal of work I learned as a child from my Aunt Frances. She was the wife of the village physician. She had twelve children and lived in a large,rambling house which was not planned for saving steps. Yet she was never in a hurry. A peculiar institution A peculiar institution:institution这里属口语用法,实即等同于thing,object或practise。 of Aunt Frances's house was the “as-you.” the “as-you”:读下文自明。 It saved no end of worry. When anything was lost,my aunt would say placidly,“You'll probably find it on the as-you”;and so we usually did.

The as-you was a broad landing on the stairs that led from the basement kitchen to the living-room. Usually the members of the family had their hands full when they went upstairs. In such cases they were apt to leave something in the landing with the full assurance that it would be there for them when they made the next trip. The remark that you would find a household article,“as you go up,” or “as you go down,” had been,at last,contracted into a place-name.

I think that every well-ordered mind ought to have an as-you. It is not like an attic where you put decrepit pieces of furniture which you think you will use again,but which you never do.

There are duties which you lay down temporarily because you have your hands too full. You don't want to put them aside where you will forget them. You want to put them where you can pick them up again without too much trouble. There they lie in plain view. You have a feeling that you have carried them as far as you are able today. As you come that way tomorrow it will be a pleasure to take them up again. In the meantime they are quite safe on the as-you.

这篇文章您读后的感觉如何?也有可能便是杂乱、散漫、零碎、琐屑,而首先便是一个乱字。这点使我记起了我年轻时的一件小事。一次,我在留声机上放舒伯特的Ave Maria (《圣母颂》),歌唱者是一位英国的女次高音歌唱家。这时来了一位家父的朋友(他自称是爱听西洋音乐的),听后他的看法是:这曲子太杂乱。我听了,很不以为然。为什么呢?很可能是因为这曲子的旋律较复杂造成的。同样,这篇文章也是如此;内容稍较复杂。其实呢,情况并不是这样。这篇文章是并不乱的。它可以说是杂而不乱,散而不漫,零而不碎,甚至也不真琐屑。当然它太长倒是真的,而太长了读的人是会失掉耐性的,也会读了后面忘了前头,于是而感觉“乱”。但这只是错觉,而并非真的是这样。说来奇怪,这篇谈闲的文章也需要一位有闲情的人去读,忙人是读不懂也读不下去的。另外这篇东西的作者也太博学了,引证也太多了,而引证的东西我国人又太不熟悉,所以也就难怪。据说,《蓝色多瑙河》最初面世时也出现过类似情形——太乱(最初是合唱曲形式),后来改编成了器乐曲,结果大获成功。(当然这里除了旋律复杂外,又加入了文字的因素,而文字听不懂是会令人迷惑的,但器乐便无此问题。)总之,复杂的东西多读或多听上几遍,头绪就会被理清楚的,而感觉也就会好了起来。