
本研究的第二步是转而讨论实用主义哲学。实用主义哲学出现在19世纪末和20世纪初的美国,代表人物有威廉·詹姆斯、C.S.皮尔斯和约翰·杜威。实用主义主要专注于人的实践和体验,而不是抽象的理论。在本节中,笔者着重于杜威(1859—1952)的文字,因为他的思想非常切合技术、工程及设计,并已成功运用于这些领域。Larry A. Hickman, John Dewey's Pragmatic Technology (Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press,1990); Larry A. Hickman, Philosophical Tools for Technological Culture: Putting Pragmatism to Work (Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press,2001); Jozef Keulartz, Maartje Schermer, Michiel Korthals, and Tsjalling Swierstra, Ethics in Technological Culture: A Programmatic Proposal for a Pragmatist Approach, Science, Technology, & Human Values, vol.29, no.1 (2004): 3-29;Gerald A. Emison, The Complex Challenges of Ethical Choices by Engineers in Public Service, Science and Engineering Ethics, vol.12, no.2 (2006): 233-44; Peter Dalsgaard, Designing Engaging Interactive Environments: A Pragmatist Perspective (PhD dissertation) (Aarhus University,2009); Steven A. Moore, ed. , Pragmatic Sustainability:Theoretical and Practical Tools (London: Routledge,2010); and Richard Sennett, The Craftsman (London: Penguin Books,2008). See also: Gavin Melles, New Pragmatism and the Vocabulary and Metaphors of Scholarly Design Research, Design Issues, vol.24, no.4 (2008): 88-101; and Carl DiSalvo, Design and the Construction of Publics, Design Issues, vol.25, no.1 (2009): 48-63.

很多设计领域的人都熟悉杜威有关经验和美学的理念。John Dewey, Art as Experience (1934; New York: The Berkley Publishing Group,2005).杜威的理念也出现在舍恩(Schön)的反思性实践概念中,舍恩借以讨论专家将实践和反思相联系的方式。Donald A.Schön, The Reflective Practitioner: How Professionals Think in Action (New York:Basic Books,1983); and D.A.Schön, “Design: A Process of Enquiry, Experimentation and Research, Design Studies 5, no.3 (1984): 130-31.Schön wrote his dissertation on Dewey's theory of inquiry.另外,使用杜威的理念来讨论协同设计,使“理论研究”与“实践”相关联,并可以将“理论研究”应用于“实践”,这与杜威的目标是一致的。David Hildebrand, Dewey: A Beginner's Guide (Oxford: Oneworld,2008),3.在杜威看来,哲学是开发工具的一种方法,人们可以用它来应付现实世界中的各种问题,他致力于“哲学的复苏”,使哲学“不再是处理哲学家的问题的工具,而是成为哲学家处理人们所遇到的问题的方法”。John Dewey, The Need for a Recovery of Philosophy, in Creative intelligence: Essays in the Pragmatic Attitude, J. Dewey, ed. (New York: Henry Holt and Co. ,1917),65.

杜威的实用主义有两大主题:一方面,它着重于人的具体实践、个人经历和实践知识的作用;另一方面,它旨在促进合作、增强能力、改善现状。D. Hildebrand, Dewey (2008),4-6.这两大主题将在以下章节中简要讨论。

3.1 实践、体验和知识

杜威区分了“粗略的、宏观的、原始的事物”的直接经验(即作为“最小化的偶然反思的结果”的体验)和对“精细的、派生的、反思对象”的间接经验(即“持续、规范的反思探究后产生的”体验)。John Dewey, Experience and Nature (La Salle: Open Court Publishing,1965),3-4.此外,杜威提倡“实证方法”,反复实践(直接经验)与反思(间接经验),从而获得实践知识,一种来源于实践并可以运用于实践的知识。Dewey, Experience and Nature,5-9.另外,杜威认为,知识应该是“特定的”或“或有的”,这有别于传统哲学或主流科学。传统哲学和主流科学通常认为,知识是“普遍的”或“必要的”。John Dewey, Reconstruction in Philosophy (New York: Henry Holt and Co. ,1920),78.

杜威认为,“思维和行动都只是同一过程的两个名称,即尽我们最大所能穿行于宇宙的过程,而宇宙充满偶然性”; “知识是活动的副产品:人在世上做事,做事又让人学到东西,如果人觉得该东西有用,就会把它带到下一个活动之中”。Louis Menand, The Metaphysical Club: A Story of Ideas in America (New York:Farrar, Straus and Giroux,2001),360,322.斯坦伯斯和范·德·卢格特(van der Lugt)等人也根据设计体验,就知识的产生表达过类似的观点。Remko Van der Lugt and Pieter Jan Stappers, Design and the Growth of Knowledge (Delft University of Technology,2006); and Pieter Jan Stappers, Doing Design as a Part of Doing Research, in Design Research Now: Essays and Selected Projects, R. Michel, ed. , (Basel:Birkhäuser Verlag,2007),81-91.

3.2 沟通、合作和变革

杜威相信,“某一时刻存在的具体状况,无论好坏,都可以得到改善。”Dewey, Reconstruction in Philosophy,178.他强调将人的沟通和合作的能力作为共同带来积极变革的方式:“语言的核心不是‘表达’既定的事物,更不是表达既定的思想。语言的核心是沟通,是在有合作伙伴的活动之中建立合作关系,其中每个合作伙伴的活动都会受到伙伴关系的影响。”Dewey, Experience and Nature,179.这种参与式的沟通、合作和变革不同于传统哲学或主流科学的“旁观者知识概念”,这种概念是指对外在的现实和稳定的事态的描述。Dewey, Reconstruction in Philosophy,156.

杜威所倡导的是这样一种过程:人们可以通过一起反思自己的实践和体验来进行交流和合作,可以提高和改善自身或他人的境遇。这种“改良动机”Hildebrand, Dewey (2008),5.可以在帕帕克(Papanek)和马格林(Margolin)的作品中找到,在本刊近期的本斯(Bonsiepe)、董(Dong)、纽斯马(Nieusma)和欧斯特拉肯(Oosterlaken)的文章中也能找到。Victor Papanek, Design for the Real World: Human Ecology and Social Change (2nd ed. ), (London: Thames & Hudson,1991) and Victor Margolin, The Politics of the Artificial: Essays on Design and Design Studies (Chicago: University of Chicago Press,2002); Gui Bonsiepe, Design and Democracy, Design Issues, vol.22, no.2 (2006): 27-34; Andy Dong, The Policy of Design: A Capabilities Approach, Design Issues, vol.24, no.4 (2008): 76-87; Dean Nieusma, Alternative Design Scholarship:Working Towards Appropriate Design, Design Issues, vol.20, no.3 (2004): 13-24; and Ilse Oosterlaken, Design for Development: A Capability Approach, Design Issues, vol.25, no.4 (2009): 91-102.


通过杜威的探究概念,实践、经验、知识、沟通、合作和变革等主题紧密交织在一起。Larry A. Hickman, Dewey's Theory of Inquiry, in Reading Dewey, Larry A. Hickman, ed. , (1998),166-86; and Hildebrand, Dewey (2008),40-62.杜威倡导组织共同探究的过程,在此人们共同探索、讨论并界定问题,同时共同探讨、制定和评估可能的解决方案。通俗地讲,他设想的探究过程始于充满疑问的情境,通过富有成效地结合实践和思考,再到决议:“探究是不确定的情境有管理地向……统一的整体的转变”。John Dewey, Logic: The Theory of Inquiry (New York: Henry Holt and Co. ,1938),104-05.在这样一个探究过程中,其目的不是为了形成普遍知识来表述外在的现实,而是使人们能够一起共同探讨、尝试、学习,并使变革朝着预期的方向发展。