I’m surrounded by people who are supposed to guied me and some of them have .
and others haven't.
They pressure me,there's so much pressure you 've got to be sexy.
you've got to be cute,
you've got to be nice,
you've got to be all these things!
And I'm sure you can all relate,you all have pressure that you have to deal with
every day.
I'm sure at school,at work,with friends,with parents,with family,parents.
I know,sometimes with mine,they tell me what to wear,how to look,what I
should say,how I should be.
Until recently,I had given in to that pressure.I look sight of who I was.
I listened to opinons of people.
and I tried to change who I am because I thought that others would accept me
for it.
And I realized I don't know how to be anything but myself.