The significance of blockchain in the business world

The latest Gartner's Hype Cycle, published on August 20, 2018, shows how far blockchain is from massive adoption: 5 to 10 years (

The Gartner's Hype Cycle is a visual graphical representation of emerging technologies' maturity and adoption. It is an annual report published by Gartner, an information technology research and consultancy firm.

As stated by Gartner, blockchain has shown many great stories and successful proof of concepts propelled by a wide media coverage and publicity, but still faces many failures and scalability issues. Some products have seen the light, with a real impact on economy and society (Bitcoin and Ethereum are the most well-known) but the mainstream adoption and broad market applicability (the so-called plateau of productivity) will be reached only if products are sustained with large investments and the technology is understood more and more.

According to PwC's 2018 Global Blockchain Survey, 84% of C-level executives report that their organization already has involvement with blockchain technology, but more than 65% of them have not pulled through the pilot stage yet.

The PwC 2018 Global Blockchain Survey was fielded between April and May 2018, surveying 600 executives with technology responsibilities over 15 countries. More than a third of the respondents work in organizations with revenues of $1 billion or greater.

There is a significant misunderstanding around the concept behind blockchain and its applicability within the business world. Cryptocurrencies and blockchain's recent hype makes executives assume that it stands as an answer to every business challenge. In fact, blockchain has to be considered as a layer for securitizing transactions and ensuring transparency of information and authentication of stakeholders in a decentralized environment. Blockchain is often seen as a difficult notion to grasp, especially for non-tech people. This book will help you to identify, as a decision-maker, the opportunities offered by blockchain for you to understand its applicability and ultimately give you the keys for initiating a blockchain project.