Brute force algorithms

A brute force algorithm solves a problem based on the statement and the problem definition. Brute force algorithms for search and sort are sequential search and selection sort. Exhaustive search is another brute force algorithm where the solution is in a set of candidate solutions with definitive properties. The space in which the search happens is a state and combinatorial space, which consists of permutations, combinations, or subsets.

Brute Force algorithms are known for wide applicability and simplicity in solving complex problems. Searching, string matching, and matrix multiplication are some scenarios where they are used. Single computational tasks can be solved using brute force algorithms. They do not provide efficient algorithms. The algorithms are slow and non-performant. Representation of a brute force algorithm is shown in the following code:

//main package has examples shown
//in Hands-On Data Structures and algorithms with Go book
package main
// importing fmt package
import (
//findElement method given array and k element
func findElement(arr[10] int, k int) bool {
var i int
for i=0; i< 10; i++ {
if arr[i]==k {
return true
return false
// main method
func main() {
var arr = [10]int{1,4,7,8,3,9,2,4,1,8}
var check bool = findElement(arr,10)
var check2 bool = findElement(arr,9)

Run the following commands:

go run bruteforce.go

The following screenshot displays the output:

After brute force algorithms, let's cover divide and conquer algorithms in the next section.