- Zabbix 4 Network Monitoring
- Patrik Uytterhoeven Rihards Olups
- 472字
- 2021-07-02 14:08:11
The user profile
Before we venture deeper into these categories, it might be worth visiting the profile section (see the person-like icon in the upper-right corner):

Clicking on it should open your profile:

Here, you can set some options concerning your user account, for example, you can change your password, the frontend language, or the frontend theme. As we will be using an English (en_GB) frontend, I suggest you leave that as the default. Zabbix 3.0 versions shipped two different themes, but that has been changed in Zabbix 4.0. Now, we have the Blue and Dark themes, like we used to have in 3.0, but also a high-contrast-light and a high-contrast-dark theme. We'll stick with the default theme, but both of the themes shipped with Zabbix 4.0 seem to be visually appealing.
Notice that you can find out the user account you are currently connected to by moving the mouse cursor over the profile icon in the upper-right corner. A tooltip will show your username, as well as your name and surname, as configured in the user profile. When you are not logged in, no profile icon is shown.
There are two options related to logging in: Auto-login, which will automatically log the user in using a cookie saved by their browser, and Auto-logout. By default, Auto-login should be enabled, and we will not change these options.
We won't change the URL option at present, but we'll discuss the benefits of setting a custom default URL for a particular user later. The Refresh option sets the period in seconds, after which some pages in the frontend will refresh automatically to display new data. It might be beneficial to increase this parameter for huge screens, which we do not yet have.
The Rows per page option will limit the amount of entities displayed at a time. In larger installations, it might be useful to increase it, but making it too large can negatively affect the performance of the frontend.
Let's make another change here—switch over to the Messaging tab:

This allows you to configure frontend messages. For now, just mark the Frontend messaging option to enable them and change Message timeout to 180. We will discuss what the various options do later in this chapter, when the messages start to appear.
After you have changed the theme and enabled frontend messages, click on the Update button: