Writing the unit test using the column selection mode

First, copy sp500_2017.tsv from https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Scala-Programming-Projects/blob/master/Chapter02/retirement-calculator/src/main/resources/sp500.tsv to src/test/resources. Then, create a new unit test called EquityDataSpec in the retcalc package. If you retype this example, try the column selection mode (Alt + Shift + Insert). Copy the content of the .tsv file in the test, then select the first column with Shift + Down 13 times, and then type EquityData(". Finally, edit the rest of the lines using the arrow keys, delete, comma, and so on:

package retcalc

import org.scalatest.{Matchers, WordSpec}

class EquityDataSpec extends WordSpec with Matchers {
"EquityData.fromResource" should {
"load market data from a tsv file" in {
val data = EquityData.fromResource("sp500_2017.tsv")
data should ===(Vector(
EquityData("2016.09", 2157.69, 45.03),
EquityData("2016.10", 2143.02, 45.25),
EquityData("2016.11", 2164.99, 45.48),
EquityData("2016.12", 2246.63, 45.7),
EquityData("2017.01", 2275.12, 45.93),
EquityData("2017.02", 2329.91, 46.15),
EquityData("2017.03", 2366.82, 46.38),
EquityData("2017.04", 2359.31, 46.66),
EquityData("2017.05", 2395.35, 46.94),
EquityData("2017.06", 2433.99, 47.22),
EquityData("2017.07", 2454.10, 47.54),
EquityData("2017.08", 2456.22, 47.85),
EquityData("2017.09", 2492.84, 48.17)

"EquityData.monthlyDividend" should {
"return a monthly dividend" in {
EquityData("2016.09", 2157.69, 45.03).monthlyDividend should ===
(45.03 / 12)

The first lines of sp500_2017.tsv look like this:

month   SP500  dividend
2016.09 2157.69 45.03
2016.10 2143.02 45.25
2016.11 2164.99 45.48