Just tell the story

Later in this chapter, we will discuss the basic conventions and formats of user story mapping, but first, let's discuss user story mapping without the burdens of using format constraints.

In Chapter 1, How will UX Mapping Change Your (Users) Life?, we saw that drawing a map, any map, will lead to solving the problem. In this one, we will focus on replacing document handovers by frequent discussions and collaboration. 

Enterprises tend to have some sort of formal approval process, usually with a sign-off. That's perfectly fine, and most of the time unavoidable. Just make sure that the sign-off happens after the mapping and story discussions. Ideally, right after the discussion, not days or weeks later.

There is a reason why product manager, UX experts, and all stakeholders love stories: they are humans. As such, we all have a natural tendency to love an emotionally satisfying tale. Most of our entertainment revolves around stories, and we want to hear good stories. A great story revolves around conflicts in a memorable and exciting way.