Creating a table space for SSO on a SQL instance

During the installation of Single Sign On, if you choose to use an existing supported database then you would have to manually create a table space for the SSO server's database.

By creating a table space, we are not creating a database schema (logical structure of the database). Instead, we are just creating storage locations of the database's primary and secondary data files and its transaction logfile.

In this recipe, I will show you the steps required to create a table space on an existing SQL Server database instance.

How to do it...

The following procedure will help you create a table space for the SSO server's database:

  1. Copy the rsaIMSLiteMSSQLSetupTablespaces.sql script from the vCenter installation DVD to the database server. The location of the file is as follows:

    CD/DVD ROM :\Single Sign On\DBScripts\SSOServer\schema\mssql

  2. At the database server machine, start the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and make sure that you are connected to the correct database server instance.
  3. Drag-and-drop the rsaIMSLiteMSSQLSetupTablespaces.sql file to the SQL Server Management Studio.
  4. Enter the hard disk location(s) for the database's primary data file (RSA_DATA.mdf), secondary data file (RSA_INDEX.ndf), and the transaction logfile (translog.ldf).

    Although the location(s) you specify is in a local location format, the files are created on the actual database server machine and not on the machine running the SQL Server Management Studio. In this example, I have used the location C:\SSO; you need to make sure that the SSO folder is already created on the database server's C:\.

    Here is how the script would look after specifying the location for the files:

  5. Click on Execute to run the script on the database server instance.

How it works...

Once the query has executed successfully, there will be a database RSA listed under databases in the SQL Server Management Studio's inventory.

On the database server you will see three files created under the specified directory:

If you see three files (RSA_DATA.mdf, RSA_INDEX.mdf, and translog.ldf) at the specified location on the database server, then you have successfully created the table space for SSO.